On the day before of S.Toraighyrov PSU participated in the IV Republican research and practice online conference "Fateful decisions of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev on formation of new Kazakhstan."

The conference was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Twelve high schools participated in the event. The conference had four sections with the participation of prominent public figures, deputies of the Senate and Mazhilis of the Parliament of the RK, the heads of government bodies and others.

Head of the department "Management and Political Science" of S.Toraighyrov PSU, Candidate of Political science, Professor Ildar Kaliyev in his speech stressed, that the strategy of state identity, developed by the President N.A. Nazarbayev, not only provided the necessary level of inter-ethnic harmony and internal stability, but also created a real opportunity for the formation of a new political nation – Kazakhstani people.

"An indicator of the success of the formation of state identity can be traced through the prism of the conceptual construct. "National Security", "national interests", "health of the nation", "the future of the nation," and finally, "the Leader of the Nation". These terms have become familiar and widely used in the Kazakhstani society, both at the government level and at the level of everyday communication. They involve all the people of Kazakhstan, and not one ethnic group",- said Ildar Abuzhanovich.