On November 2, 2016 at S.Toraighyrov PSU was held an international investment forum Ertys Invest - 2016.

Akim of Pavlodar oblast Bolat Bakauov greeted the participants of the forum.

Among the honored guests was akim of East Kazakhstan region Daniyal Akhmetov. Daniyal Kenzhetayevich paid attention to the great potential of small and large businesses that opens a forum for investors. "I am pleased to look at the offered projects, glad that they have a solid economic foundation." Daniyal Kenzhetayevich emphasized that Pavlodar State University is among of the best universities in the country, pointing out that he himself is a graduate of it.

In the official part of the program spoke the First Deputy Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Albert Rau, Governor of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee Vladmir Dvornik, the president of the company “Strategy Partners Group” Alexandr Idrisov, chairman of the Board of JSC "Kazakhstan Institute of Industry Development" Aydyn Kulseitov, Deputy Director of the offices of European Bank of reconstruction and development in Kazakhstan Askar Namazbayev.

During the forum participants had a unique opportunity to discuss the prospects of realization of the investment potential of the region in new economic conditions, the development of transport and logistics energy infrastructure, agriculture, etc.

Also at the forum was organized an exhibition of investment projects, where, in particular, were presented the developments of scientists of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The result of profitable discussions was the signing of several memorandums on cooperation of Pavlodar State University with a JSC "Managing company NEZ" Pavlodar ", PF LLP" Casting. "

In the framework of the agreements is planned to create a business support infrastructure including an international scientific and technological hub, the implementation of joint innovation projects with a goal of commercialization and introduction into production. In addition, the agreements provide the organization of centers for retraining of specialists for new created advanced innovative enterprises.

During the forum was held a competition of environmental cases Enterprise 'solutions”, in order to organize a direct dialogue between industry, business and science. Scientists of PSU have demonstrated 30 promising for implementation developments in areas such as engineering and technology, economics, ecology and agriculture.

In the framework of the forum were held the Demo Day, projects presentations of regional Startup Academy. At the end of the demonstration investors interested most of all in startups such as: national clothes brand “Aikerim design”, mobile service of news and events of the region “Event map”, a mini-chain of coffee houses and a number of other business ideas.

The forum was not just a platform for dialogue with the partners, but also gave practical results in the form of the development of a concrete plan of action for the implementation of scientific discoveries in the production and entry of home intellectual product into global markets.