Sarinova Assiya, senior lecturer of "Computer Engineering and Programming" department, Pavlodar State University won the contest of scientific works of young scientists at an international conference named after A.F. Terpugov "Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling, ITMM 2016", Tomsk.

Within a few days, the participants made presentations on the subject of information technology and mathematical modeling, discussed at the round table, shared their views and experiences, discussed the prospects of their research.

Conference simultaneously solves several problems - searches for talent, supports promising young scientists, becomes a place to create new scientific partnerships, the establishment of contacts between future colleagues. One of the global goals is the preservation and development of common scientific and educational space of the CIS and far abroad, because at the conference were participants from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Italy, Holland, Germany.

The project offers young scientist offers algorithms to quickly receive, register, process, archive and distribute large volumes of data and aerospace images without loss of quality.

A. Sarinova told about how conducted the examination of competitive applications: "All the works were evaluated in two stages: first, the experts put points on the particular system, then was compiled a short-list and a competent jury decide who to award the victory. Today's recognition - it is a springboard for further development."