S.Toraighyrov PSU continues implementation an educational program “Erasmus +”, in which at university came Yekaterina Gvozdova, graduate student of the European Humanities University in the capital of Lithuania.

The subject of the Yekaterina ’s study is international law and EU law. She will listen to lectures on law, in-depth study the public prosecutor's supervision, human rights in retrospect, as well as the conflicts and contradictions of contemporary international relations. Comparing procedure of teaching the law in Kazakhstan and Lithuania, Yekaterina notes that in our university prevails the national law. At PSU Yekaterina also chose subjects correlated with human rights.

The choice in favor of Kazakhstan Yekaterina explains the largest geographic remoteness of our country, as well as significant differences in ideology and religion. Yekaterina now lives in a new dormitory, where have already met interesting people. Also, Yekaterina, tryes to maintain the proper level of her knowledge of English language, she studies at the center of PSU polylingual education and linguistic club in Regional Library named after S.Toraighyrov. Of great interest is the study of the Kazakh language, which is also in the curriculum. Yekaterina warmly said about the traditional Kazakh cuisine, noting that it helped her to fully enjoy the Kazakh hospitality.

Guest from Lithuania takes active part in the public life of university. So on the day before Yekaterina gave a report at the event devoted to the Day of Languages. Yekaterina’s studying lasts from the beginning of the academic year to 10 January 2017.