On the Day of Knowledge, in the S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state university, like every year, were hold festive events dedicated to the freshmen. One of the main events became the solemn line.

Vice-rector for strategic development, educational and social work of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Armand Akishev opened the meeting.  He noted that the PSU - is not just a school, but a special intellectual environment, which formed not only thought, but also a way of life.

 "Dear freshmen, time makes its amendments. We have initiated such scale areas as a start-up Academy. It was noted at the highest state level. I want to report to you that the other day in a government decision the experience and an example of PSU has been recommended by all universities of the country. This is a great success and a high degree of confidence to our university, "- said Arman Aytmuhametovich.

Welcoming the new generation of students, the chairman of the University Council of Veterans, Candidate of Technical Science, Zhanahutdinov B.G.  said that the main thing for them - to learn to think, to be real specialists. "We want you to be true patriots. You are - the future of Kazakhstan and our country wants to be proud of you. In front of you - an endless road "- said Bari Gazizovich, referring to the freshmen.

With the beginning of the academic year warmly congratulated the students, the chairman of the Youth Committee Akbota Sarybai wished new scientific discoveries and high grades.

Then concert continued with the performance of creative groups and soloists of university Philharmonic.

Continuing the celebration ceremony was hold the raising of the University flag and the floral tribute to the bust of Sultanmakhmut Torayghyrov.