On the day before was held the defense of master's theses and it became the final chord in a long, interesting and science-intensive life of graduates.

The department of psychology and pedagogy held public defense in the branch of the department at Pavlodar College of Education named after B. Akhmetov.

Four graduate students presented their theses to the State Attestation Commission. Graduates defended the theses for the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology", including in English.

Head of the, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of S.Toraighyrov PSU, Elena Burdina, Doctor of Education, professor in her speech emphasized that highly qualified graduates are supported the interesting and valuable research material obtained during the execution of the master's work.

 - The main results are actively represented in various national and international conferences and published in leading journals on relevant topics, - said Elena Ivanovna. - Often, by the time of graduation, our undergraduates have about ten, and sometimes more publications. These bright quantitative indicators can show not everyone at the university.

For an objective and many-sided assessment at the State Attestation Commission in addition to the professors and teachers of the department were representatives of the college who are leading experts in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

Chairman of the SAC was Zhalmagambetova B.Ch., Cand. Sc. (Education). (Director of the branch of JSC "National Centre for Professional development "Orleu" "Institute for professional development of teachers in Pavlodar region").

During the theses defences their speeches presented graduates, their referees and research advisor. Great interest aroused the results of experiments and practical significance of the results.