On the day before a student concert «Volunteers' Sensation Party» finished at Student’s Club, devoted to the year of the opening of a training center for EXPO - 2017 volunteers at S. Toraighyrov PSU, it was visited by representatives of the social and voluntary center and national voluntary networks, as well as management of the Department of youth policy of Pavlodar region.

The event was organized with the aim of summarizing of the activity of the center for 2015-2016 year, attracting students and pupils to become a volunteer, as well as the introduction of new directions for the widespread development of the volunteer movement of the region.

As Natalia Nefedova, head Department of youth policy of Pavlodar region noted, volunteer movement today came into fashion, and no one serious event takes place without the participation of volunteers.

Training center for EXPO - 2017 volunteers became the part of events such as the international investment forum "Ertys Invest-2015", rendered assistance to the Asian Confederation Youth Boxing Championship (2016), and also volunteers organized charity concerts and forums. 

As the results of the event, volunteer movement activists were awarded letters of gratitude for the work in the international, national and regional events. Zhanarsyn Kapenova, coordinator of the center, it was honored for the contribution to the development of voluntary activity of Pavlodar region.