Students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University became prizewinners of the Republican Subject Olympiad for cultural studies and German language in Almaty.

Laura Domanzhulova, Alibek Kabylda, Diana Kamasova, Asemgul Koyshina, Saltanat Mukhametzhan, Damir Socialov,  students of Faculty of Humanities and Education showed their outstanding achievements.

"Tengri" team under the guidance of associate professor, PhD of Department of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines, Anara Uyzbaeva took honorable II place of competition.

Students under the guidance of Beibytnur Zhumabekova, Head of "Foreign languages" department, candidate of Philological Sciences, also became the winners. Anastasiya Dolbnya and Roman Rizhkov won of the second place for the German language.

Preparation before the Olympics was very serious and we honorably represented the university, - said Beibytnur Kaparovna. – The jury gave the highest score to our students for their results, the representatives of other teams noted the high level of preparation of the presentation, the good results of the projects and the team feeling.