Public lecture "Competition and Antimonopoly Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan," of deputy head of the Committee of the Department for Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan in Pavlodar region Murat Ospanov aroused great interest among the audience.

In his speech Murat Sagyntayevich focused on the 53 th step of the program of the President of Kazakhstan " Plan of the Nation - 100 concrete steps", which is devoted to the activities of the Antimonopoly Service.

The guest also told about the basic principles of competition. Murat Sagyntayevich considered normative legal acts, and also clarified the responsibility for violation of the antimonopoly legislation of the RK.

At the end of the lecture was held presentation ceremony of books and teaching aids as a gift to Pavlodar State University "Competition Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

"I am confident that the books will be needed by our students in different fields", - said, taking the book, Takhir Ernazarov, Dean of the Faculty of Public Administration, Business and Law.