The round table on the theme: "The policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of inter-confessional relations" was held on the eve at S. Toraigyrov PSU.

To participate in this event in the meeting room of the Academic Council of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University gathered scientists, activists of the school of young civil servants of the university, as well as representatives of the Center for Analysis and Development of Inter-confessional Relations.

The moderator of the meeting was Daulet Zakaryanov, the head of the department for religious affairs of Pavlodar region. In his speech, he stressed that the preservation of ethnic diversity is an important achievement of our country during the years of independence.

A great interest was caused by the speech of Rauan Chinguzhanov, the theologian of the Center for Analysis and Development of Inter-confessional Relations of Pavlodar region.

The participants discussed a wide range of issues on topical aspects of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations, in which Kazakhstan has a rich positive experience. "Our research has shown that there are many problem areas in matters of religious literacy. In this regard, we strive to give a correct interpretation, first of all, of Islam, so that young thinking people can give an objective assessment of that massive underground propaganda of radical religious movements. For Kazakhstan, one of the main riches is tolerance and understanding among peoples, the ability to live peacefully under one shanyrak. The Head of State has been talking about this for many years, and we fully agree with him in this respect, "said the head of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian disciplines, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Mayra Kozhamzharova, who in her report revealed the problems of religious literacy of the youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan.