Within the walls of S. Toraighyrov PSU was held an online conference entitled "Mashkhur Zhusup: knowledge and personality." The event brought together representatives of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, L. Gumilyov ENU and, of course, estates of outstanding heritage of akyn philosopher.

At roundtable participants raised multiaspectual topics and pressing issues in the context of the study of creativity of M. Kopeyev. Many honored linguists and philologers noticed that his work requires a systematic scientific approach, do not allow misunderstandings when translated into other languages.

Particular relevance works of M. Kopeyev acquired in recent years because of its informative capacity, deep religious- moral component and the beauty of a syllable.

Scientists, researchers Meyrbaev B., S. Nurmuratov, Zh. Artykbayev noted the special significance of creativity of outstanding thinker to save the Kazakh national identity and rich culture, especially among young people.