The contest is held for the second year, having as motto "We are consolidated with the President in the thoughts." The keynote of the contest is the quote from the recent President's message of Nursultan Nazarbayev, which, alongside with the trends of recent years is especially relevant.

"It is necessary to read books, take an interest in scientific research, new discoveries and ideas. I deeply believe in the saying that those who read books will manage those who prefer TV or the Internet", - said the Head of State.

Echoing this thesis Committee of youth affairs of PSU gathered talented and original readers and declaimers from all over the city. According to their chairman Akbota Sarybai the competition task is to introduce the current generation of young people to the literature of our country, the works of the Soviet era and foreign classics.

Skill readers judged the jury, chaired by the Pavlodar poet and literary critic Olga Grigorieva, Head of the Department of the Kazakh language, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Ayman Zeynulina and head of the department "Russian Philology", Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor Gulvira Shaikova.

According to Olga Grigorieva, at all times, poetry awakens the best feelings in the man. "Poetry - these are the best words in the best order. That is the best thing that a man can express. Brodsky said, "Poetry - is the highest form of the language existence". That is, when a person does not just read, but also teaches poetry, then rises to a higher level of existence and introduces more listeners" O.Grigoreva made a proposal to hold a competition dedicated to the work of Pavlodar authors.

Honorary members of the jury noted that the dramatic reading develops not only acting skills of young people, but also organically adjoins with  the oratorical mastery, forming the ability to work with the audience, to focus its attention on own speech. In addition, they stressed that today realities dictate a person completely different requirements than 10-15 years ago.

"Paper-based media are more inferior to electronic media, and the enormous amounts of information are just a small percentage of the meaning. Under these conditions, many young people lost the need in reading in the classical sense. What is more disturbing, many young people today from  the school years have weak reading skills", - said Head of the Department of Russian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Gulvira Shaikova.

Among those who took part in the competition, there are a lot of students who are highly sharpened his skills, which in turn helped them to defend their civil position, to advance the initiative and at the same time to be heard.

The participants also noted that the ability to properly express their views, "delivered" voice, basic acting skills increase the chances of young and enthusiastic people to become successful.

The winner became a student of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Bakіzhan Kakіm, second place divided Erdaulet Ergesh and Yerlan Musa, third place - Anton Vyunenko studying in Pavlodar college of food and service and Zhanbyrbay Suyіnіsh representing Pavlodar Business College.