A sport lasertag competition for children living at children’s homes of Pavlodar and Pavlodar oblast was organized and conducted under the Kuan Sabi Program by the Youth Affairs Committee of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The idea of conducting the event was proposed by the director of a family child care home of Shakat village Gabiden Sarybayevich Ungarov.

“I want to extend my personal gratitude to the youth organization YAC of PSU. They always support the Shakat children’s home, they conduct various entertaining and educational events for children. Our foster kids need support and care of those around not less than other ordinary children. Every visit of PSU activists makes children’s day,” said Gabiden Sarybayevich.

The sport lasertag competition was conducted with great support from representatives of Lazer Club EXTREM.

“We have been cherishing the idea of conducting charity competitions for a long time. The most important things for a child are the love and warmth of close people. YAC activists suggested to us that we take part in organization of the event, and we, of course, agreed. Children’s smiles and positive emotions matter first. I think that today we reached our goal,” said the director of Lazer Сlub EXTREM Yelena Ustinova.

It should be mentioned that on June, 2010 a republican program “Kuan sabi” has been launched in all regions of the country. The program is aimed at rendering assistance in solving issues of placing children living at children’s homes in families and attracting the society’s attention to the problems of orphanage.

Children’s homes of Pavlodar city, Kenzhekol, Shakat and Sherbakty villages took part in the sport lasertag competition. Children were divided into nine teams.

According to the competition’s results the teams of Pavlodar and Kenzhekol children’s homes became the main prize winners.

The winners were awarded money certificates from Lazer Сlub EXTREM, whereunder they may visit the laser club and conduct their own sport lasertag competition at any time.

All participants were given diplomas and sweet prizes from the Youth Affairs Committee of PSU.

According to the chairman of the Youth Affairs Committee of S. Toraighyrov Akbota Sarybay, such games promote team spirit, sport readiness, marksmanship and dexterity.

“One of good ways to make children smile is to organize a festival for them with friends, games and sweets. So we did. During the competition children were laughing and having fun. And this is the most important for us. Every kid fostered at a children’s home needs our attention, care and support,” said Akbota.