An international seminar titled “Mashkhur Zhussup and the genealogy of torres within celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate” initiated by the Scientific and Practical Center for Mashkhur Studies of S. Toraighyrov PSU was held at a general education school No. 38 of Moiyldy village.

Guests of the event were greeted by the head of the school M. N. Abulgazinov and the general director of the Moiyldy sanatorium F. S. Satybayev. The audience listened very carefully to the speech of Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor A. Zeynullina on great oratorical skills of Kazakh khans. Professor N. Dukenbay told about the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan, which, in his opinion, would be spiritual wealth of the future generation. A famous painter K. G. Karzhassov arranged an exhibition of his paintings that he devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate. His vivid paintings illustrate Kazakh khans, steppe batyrs, women-mothers, the way of life, customs, having their roots in the remote past.

Mashkhur Zhussup had a wide range of interests: he was known as an encyclopedist, an ethnographer, a philosopher and a poet. His works contain great historic studies. A researcher of the Scientific and Practical Center for Mashkhur Studies of S. Toraighyrov PSU Nailya Anafina says that introducing neighboring and far-abroad countries to the name “Mashkhur” is an accomplishable task.

Besides this, some guests from neighboring countries delivered their speeches in the online mode. A teacher of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management I. Zelinskoy (Ukraine, Odessa), a staff reporter of the Caucasian Knot B. Kmuzov (Georgia, Tbilisi), a poet O. Skripchenko with a singer S. Morozova (Russia, Moscow) took keen interest in the discussion and carried out great work on introducing the heritage of the outstanding countryman, the enlightener Mashkhur Zhussup Kopeyev to the audience.

The head teacher of a school No.38 G. A. Maukeyeva and the Kazakh language and literature teachers G. I. Murynbayeva and A. B. Tuleuova supported the keynote of the event. Master classes, given by the director of the Bes assyl fund L. Askarova, the methodologist of B. Akhmetov Pedagogical College S. Kabysheva and a teacher of the Schoolchildren’s Palace Zh. Daurbek, became the strong point of the seminar.