Aleksandr Idrisov, the President of Strategy Partners Group, visited S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University within the Yertis-Invest-2014 International Investment Forum. He gave a lecture devoted to the strategy of socio-economic development and increasing our region's competitiveness.

The Head of one of the most famous Russian consulting companies graduated from Pavlodar Industrial Institute (S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University) with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Aleksandr Idrisov held a meeting with the scientific community and students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University and gave a presentation entitled “How to Make Your Strategy Work?”

In his lecture, Aleksandr Idrisov gave a detailed description of an effective structure of the economy, told about the high-priority projects that should be implemented and the institutions that should be reformed or created. “How can we improve employment percentage? We need sectors that provide employment opportunities - tourism in the first place. Tourism is the largest sector of global economy, though not many people understand it. Kazakhstan has all the resources and natural potential to become one of the most interesting places for tourism,” said Aleksandr Idrisov.

The guest lecturer also told about some latest technologies, such as 3d-printing, which drastically reduces the costs and eliminates wastes. This technology alone makes it possible to print organs. First experiments with printing the thyroid gland have been successfully held in Russia, which means that the problem of donors' organs shortage can be solved relatively soon. Another example is a printed aircraft with a wingspan of 28 meters. Usually it takes 10 years to design and build it, but the technology of 3d-printing helps reduce this time to 18 months, with over 80 per cent of all details printed. A giant 3d-printer was invented in China, now they can print houses with the cost of just $ 5,000. New technologies are now available for everyone, they create radically new opportunities.

Aleksandr Idrisov said, “If we look at the whole structure of the economy, we can see that it is quite stable - there is a manufacturing sector and commercial services, as well as engineering. But it is also necessary to create the sectors of the future to make sure we do not fall behind. It is also essential to keep in mind that today's investment will bring tangible results in 10-20 years. It is important to support all IT technologies, new mechanical engineering, health care and everything that relates to life sciences. But we need to invest now. It is vital for the national economy to be able to educate specialists of the new type who would be able to provide their services worldwide while staying in Kazakhstan. Every year, 10 million jobs are created in China with approximately another 10 million in India, the competition on the market is extremely high, and so if we do not hurry up, we will be late.”