The decision on the membership of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University in EUA was made during the session of the Council of the European University Association in Helsinki on October 24, 2014.

European University Association (EUA) is the largest and most comprehensive organization representing universities in Europe. With 850 members across 46 countries, EUA provides unrivalled opportunities for members to share best practice by participating in projects, events and other mutual learning activities.

Rector of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Serik Omirbayev emphasized that membership of PSU in such a prestigious organization is a clear recognition of the University's achievements by European partners. Besides, it will bring international cooperation with European education institutions to a new level. ‘International cooperation and recognition of our achievements by the international community means recognition of the University's successful development and its ability to build harmonious relations with other education institutions; this is yet another evidence of the status of the regional leader in the field of education,’ said Serik Omirbayev.

EUA plays an important role in the formation and development of new trends in European higher education and research activities owing to its experience and unique expertise in these areas, as well as diversity of the organization’s members.

EUA supports and takes forward the interests of individual institutions and the higher education sector as a whole. EUA is the official representative of the university sector in the Bologna process and is hence involved in numerous working groups or advisory bodies. The Association represents the interests of universities and advises the European Commission on a variety of research strategies; it also works in close cooperation with OECD, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.