A conference for PSU staff members entitled “Reflections at the Foot of Ulytau” took place at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University on October 1, 2014.

After his visit to Zhezkazgan area of Karaganda region, the President and Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev gave an interview to a journalist from the Khabar Agency on August 24, 2014. President expressed his opinion about the problems of the modern economic development, the country's history, language and religion.

Members of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University have always been among active supporters of the President’s policy. Therefore, a conference was gathered to discuss the ideas expressed in his latest interview.

Opening the plenary session, Vice-rector for Development Strategy, Education and Social Affairs of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Arman Akishev noted that spirituality of Kazakhstan's people, as well as our cultural and historical heritage are constantly in the focus of the President's attention. “The rich spiritual and cultural heritage of the nation is the ideological foundation of Kazakhstan's system of higher education, and it is our duty to preserve and transfer it to the youth. We are responsible for preservation of the spiritual heritage of our ancestors. The awareness of this responsibility and respect for the past of our country is a principled stand for PSU members,” said Arman Akishev.

The First Deputy Chairman of the Pavlodar city branch of Nur Otan NDP, Candidate of Historical Sciences Arman Yeshmuratov, who was invited as a guest of honor, made a report on modern challenges and security issues. Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Historical Sciences Kayrat Battalov told about the enduring historical values; Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Takhir Ernazarov made a report entitled “From a Raw-materials-based Economy to a Knowledge-based Economy”; Head of the Department of the Kazakh Language, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Ayman Zeynullina told about the state language as a guarantor of strengthening the statehood; finally, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Gaukhar Akhmetova made a report on Kazakhstan's model of interfaith harmony.

Participants of the Conference also examined the materials of the book exhibition entitled “The Leader of the New Age”.