A summer spartakiad called “Fitness and Health” was held for S. Toraighyrov PSU academic and auxiliary staff members in the Bayantau Holiday House.

The event was organized by the Trade Union Committee of Pavlodar State University.

The purpose of the event is popularization of active leisure and sporting events and promotion of healthy lifestyles and sports as the best way of health improvement.

The competition was held in several sports: football, volleyball, swimming, etc.

PSU academic and auxiliary staff members demonstrated athletic skills, stamina and agility. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energy Engineering Olzhas Talipov, senior lecturer of the Department of Electrical Power Engineering Tatyana Mikhalevich and a doctoral degree student of the same department Aybek Akayev received diplomas and prizes.

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Department of Vocational Education and Environmental Protection Murat Beysembayev, specialist of the Department of the Educational Process Organization Almagul Tisbayeva, and a specialist from the Registrar’s Office Saule Zhakipova also showed great results.

It should be noted that organization of the event was held at the highest level. Deputy Heads of the Trade Union Committee Muketay Tlenbekova and Galina Kaptyur turned this sporting event into a real festival of health and sports.