Celebration of the Day of the Faculty of Energy Engineering was held in the concert hall of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The Faculty of Energy Engineering is one of the oldest faculties of Pavlodar Industrial Institute. It was established in 1960. The Faculty includes three departments: Electrical Power Engineering, Heat Power Engineering, and Electrical Engineering and Automation.

Dean of the Faculty, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor Aleksandr Kislov noted in his opening speech that the Faculty contributes to the intellectual and professional development of the region and the country by means of training next generation specialists with higher technical education.

Representatives of partner-companies received letters of appreciation for a long-term cooperation with the Faculty: President of Eurasian Energy Corporation JSC Abduazim Rustambayev, Vice-President for Human Resources and Corporate Communications of Aluminium of Kazakhstan JSC Muratkazy Zhangazakov, Head of the Human Resources Department of EEC JSC Aleksandr Nosov, Director of Pavlodar representative office of Institute of Electrical Power Engineering and Energy Saving Development (Kazahenergoekspertiza) Yerzhan Temirkhanov, Head of the Department of State Energy Registry Data Collection and Processing of Institute of Electrical Power Engineering and Energy Saving Development (Kazahenergoekspertiza) Botabek Sultanov, chief energy engineer of AQUA LLP Oral Nurashev, Director of City Electrical Grid company Ivan Mironets, Head of the Energy Office of the Energy Department of Pavlodar region Nurlan Mashrapov, chief engineer of the City Electric Networks Pavel Morozov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Caustic JSC Tulegen Tokombayev, authorized representative of HESCOMPANY LLP in Pavlodar region Nikolay Parkhomenko, and Director of Irtyshelektromontazh LLP Amangeldy Talipov.

Vice-President for Human Resources and Corporate Communications Aluminium of Kazakhstan JSC Muratkazy Zhangazakov congratulated all members of the Faculty. 'The Faculty of Energy Engineering trains highly-skilled specialists who are ready to face any challenges of our time. I wish professional achievements and new scientific discoveries to all Faculty members, excellent grades for examinations to all students and good jobs to the alumni,' said Muratkazy Zhangazakov.

Deputy Dean for General Affairs of the Energy Engineering Faculty Mayrash Kabdualiyeva and Heads of Departments, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Vadim Markovskiy and Candidate of Engineering Sciences Viktor Kibartas, presented awards to students and teachers for their active participation in the life of the University.

Vivid performances by students of the Faculty Alisher Rashid, Azhardy Sharipova, Melody duet and Jam dancing studio helped create the right atmosphere for the event.