Opening the festive event, the Rector of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Serik Omirbayev praised the professional and personal qualities of one of the oldest employees of the University.


Amangeldy Nurzhauov is the first Candidate of Engineering Sciences in Kazakhstan, the first and only Doctor of Science in Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles in RK. Besides, he is a member of the Dissertation Council of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering at the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic for a fixed consideration of theses for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Sciences in engineering specialities.


Amangeldy Nurzhauov is the author of more than one hundred scientific papers, including articles, monographs, textbooks, teaching manuals, methodical guidelines, which became the chief academic help in the difficult task of machine work.


Another important achievement of Amangeldy Nurzhauov is immeasurable respect of colleagues and students, universal recognition of his outstanding achievements in science. The ceremony was attended by the Deans of faculties, Heads of departments and structural units of the University, colleagues, and many students of Amangeldy Nurzhauov. In their congratulatory speeches, all of them noted such qualities of Amangeldy Nurzhauov as attentiveness, tactfulness, benevolence, ability to listen to the interlocutor.


Amangeldi Nurzhauov's colleagues from other faculties describe him as a talented musician, a man of generous and open heart, and a pleasant companion.