Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan, Zhomart Aliyev, met with the public at Toraighyrov University, where ecologists and representatives of civil society raised current issues and asked him important questions.



"The ecological system of Pavlodar region has a high technological load. Accordingly, the presence of a large potential of industrial enterprises in the region directly affects the volume of emissions," said the deputy minister.

According to him, starting from 2025, requirements for the presence of comprehensive environmental permits will come into force for enterprises. He mentioned that the 50 largest polluting enterprises in the country must implement modern cleaning technologies. Comprehensive environmental permits are issued by the authorized body in the field of environmental protection.

Zhomart Aliyev added that when an enterprise obtains a comprehensive environmental permit, it will not be required to make payments to the regional budget. These funds will be directed towards upgrading equipment and increasing capacity indicators.