Within the framework of the Erasmus+ TRIGGER project, a seminar titled "Issues of Improving Graduates' Employment and Strengthening Partnership Relations with Employers" took place at Toraighyrov University. During the seminar, materials from a two-week intensive training organized by IDEC (Greece), a member of the TRIGGER project consortium, were utilized.


Participants from Toraighyrov University, who underwent the training, discussed the role of work experience during the educational period, internships, and professional practices of students in the employment of graduates.

Speakers presented the ENTER.MODE model of professional practices, developed by European experts based on the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp).

During the discussions, the special role of collaboration between universities and industries in fostering innovation and graduate employment was acknowledged.

Petr Bykov, a board member responsible for academic affairs, shared Toraighyrov University's experience in supporting the employment of graduates.

Stakeholders of the university, representatives of ToU's partner enterprises, faculty members, and administrative staff responsible for organizing student professional practices and graduate employment participated in the seminar.