Nigerian day was held at Toraighyrov University.

To date, 11 students from Nigeria are studying at the university. It should be noted, that the first student from Nigeria entered in 2016.

Foreign students spoke about nature, education and religion in Nigeria, as well as traditions and national food.

In addition, they prepared musical performance.

- In my opinion, such activities are necessary in every university that strives for international status. This makes it easier for foreign youth to socialize in an unfamiliar environment. In addition, this is a great opportunity for their fellow students to learn more about an unknown country, as they say, first-hand,” noted the rector of the university, Yerkin Sadykov.

It should be noted that ToU has 315 foreign students from Nigeria, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Mongolia, China, Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Toraighyrov University not only accepts, but also sends students to study abroad - under the Erasmus+, DAAD and Deula Neinburg scholarship programs, as well as in cooperation with organizations such as Caspian Academy, Campus France and Loco.e.V. In addition, students undergo a training under the academic mobility program in Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Turkey, France, Germany and Pakistan.

There is a system of internal and external mobility. Foreign scientists from Turkey, the Czech Republic, Germany, Montenegro, Croatia, Pakistan, Estonia, Spain, Poland and India taught at ToU.