The title of honorary citizen of the region was awarded to candidate of technical sciences, academician, professor, honorary dean of Toraighyrov University Tyuleugazy Toktaganov.



Akim of the region Asaiyn Baikhanov congratulated the new honorary citizens of the region with a well-deserved award.

 “Respect for the older generation, the ability to listen to the opinion of people who, through their work, have repeatedly proved the strength of character and loyalty to their business, are inherent in our people,” the head of the region emphasized.  - In my work, as before, I will rely on the opinion of the elders.  Happy upcoming New Year to everyone!  I wish you health  and joy of life.

Tyuleugazy Tokilovich is included in the cohort of veterans-aksakals - the founders of Toraighyrov University.  From year to year, he purposefully improved the achievements of the faculty, while using every opportunity to preserve the unique scientific heritage in the field of mechanical engineering, metallurgy and transport of the largest university in the Pavlodar Irtysh region.

In addition, Tyuleugazy Tokilovich actively participates in the public life of the city, region and country.  He is an honorary citizen of the city of Pavlodar, has many other titles and awards.