Faculty of Engineering
Kayratolla Kayrollinovich Abishev
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor of PSU
1. Higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty: 2801 - "Automobile and Tractor constuction", 1999
2. Master, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty: 6N0713 - «Transport, transport equipment and technology", 2007
3. Candidate of Technical Sciences, scientific specialty: 05.05.04- "Road, building and carrying and lifting machines " 2010
Professional experience
18 years
Subjects taught
Testing and diagnosis of transportation. Intelligent transport systems. Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment. Prospects for the development of railway stock.
Scientific publications
more than 100
1. Abishev K.K. and others. On the question of increasing the reliability of transmissions of transport equipment. / The Bulletin of KBTU. - №4 (31) - 2014. - P. 65-70.
2. Abishev K.K., On the question of the reliability of the driver of the vehicle. / The Bulletin of the Shakarim State University of Semey - №2 (70) - 2015. - P. 3-6.
3. Abishev K.K. and others. Dynamic Human-Machine Interface for Electrical Vehicle design guidelines / Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) (June 24-25, 2015). Czech technical university in Prague, 2015. - p. 58-62.
4. Abishev K.K. and others. Some matters related to the advancement of electric technical indicators. / The Bulletin KazATC - №2 (97) - 2016. - P. 38-43.
5. Abishev K.K. and others. On the issue of improving the fuel system of gas-cylinder cars. / Journal "International Journal of Applied and Base Research '(Russian Federation - RSCI 0,764) - №5. Part 5, Moscow: Publishing House "The Academy of Natural Science", 2016 - p. 700-703.
Field of scientific research
Dynamics of transport vehicles, transport telematics.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. The owner of the state grant of MES RK for the talented young scientists for 2008-2010.
2. Medal " The effectiveness of career " (18 January, 2013)
3. A member of the National Academy of Sciences of Engineering and Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan (11.04.2013)
4. The letter of thanks from the rector of S.Toraighyrov PSU to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan (16 December, 2013)
5. The owner of the grant for the trip by the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the Nation (October 2014)
Faculty contact information
Faculty of Engineering
Pavlodar, 139 Ak. Chokin St., room B-204
Telephone: 8(7182) 67-36-30, ext. 12-21
Telephone: 8(7182) 67-36-30, ext. 12-21