Faculty of Natural Science

Burkitbaeva Ulzan Dusenbaevna
Deputy Dean for Academic affairs
Scholastic degree
Dr. РhD
- Zhetysu State University named after I.Zhansugurov, specialty "Biology";
- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty "Ecology", Master's degree;
- S. Toraighyrov PSU, specialty "Biology", doctoral studies.
Professional experience
17 years
Subjects taught
Environmental Management, Environmental Monitoring, Biogeochemistry, Human Ecology, Fundamentals of Environmental Management, Introduction to Ecology and Environmental Research, Fundamentals of Radiation Ecology, etc.
Scientific publications
more than 50 scientific and educational works have been published:
1. Каман Улыкпан, Жумадина Ш. М., Буркитбаева У. Д., Жантлесова Ш. М. Биологическое разнообразие мезапедобионтов и дендрохронологическая характеристика некоторых лесообразующих пород горных районов Казахстанского Алтая: монография Павлодар: Кереку, 2017. – 168 с.
2. Badamdorj B., Burkitbayeva U., Tojoo Enkhbayar. Lichenophilous species of Epidamaeus and Spatiodamaeus from high mountains of Mongolia, with remarks on their ontogeny (Acari: Oribatida). - Zootaxa - 2016. - Vol. 4097 – Iss 3. – P. 451–474.
3. Badamdorj Bayartogtokh, Kaman Ulykpan, Burkitbayeva U., Erdenechuluun. Otgonjargal and Asyltan Karim. The distribution pattern of soil macrofauna at the forest-steppe ecotone of the southernmost boreal forest (Eastern Kazakhstan) / Soil Organisms. – 2016. - Vol. 88. – Iss 1. – P. 43-54.
4. Қаман Ұлықпан, Буркитбаева У. Топырақ омыртқасыз жануарларын зерттеу әдістері: зоолог, энтомолог, эколог, топырақтану мамандықтарына арналған оқу құралы. / Павлодар: Кереку, 2013.
5. Markus Hauck, Choimaa Dulamsuren, Badamdorj Bayartogtokh, Kaman Ulykpan, Burkitbayeva U., Erdenechuluun Otgonjargal, Sergei V. Titov, Tojoo Enkhbayar, Agadil K. Sundetpaev, Christoph Leuschner. Relationships between the diversity patterns of vascular plants, lichens and invertebrates in the Central Asian forest-steppe ecotone // Biodiversity and Conservation. – 2015. – Vol. 23. – Iss 5. – P. 1105-1117.
6. Буркитбаева У.Д., Толеутаев С. Қазақстан Алтайының стафилиндерінің (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) сандық және сапалық көрсеткіштері. Биологические науки Казахстана. Павлодар, 2012. – № 4. – С. 21-29.
7. Буркитбаева У.Д., Каман Улыкпан. Некоторые итоги изучения фаунистического состава и структуры жизненных форм жужелиц (Coleoptera, Carabidae) в основных биотопах Казахстанского Алтая. Биологические науки Казахстана. Павлодар, 2012. – № 4. – С. 13-21.
Field of scientific research
Entomology, ecology
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016) for achievements in the spiritual and social development of the independent republic of Kazakhstan and a significant contribution to the development of Education.
- Certificate: Web of knowledge Online Seminar - Thomson Reuters databases; «Methodological aspects of environmental protection»; «Modern problems of Biology and Ecology» (course of lectures by Dr. I.E. Tuf (Czech Republic, Prague)); online seminars on Web of knowledge resources – advanced features – Thomson Reuters databases; «Application of distance learning technologies in the educational process»; Development of professional competence of a teacher in inclusive education (Pavlodar, 2020); Practical application of the norms of legislation and software in the field of environmental protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan (seminar, 2020).
Room number, building
Office phone
Faculty contact information
Faculty of Natural Science
Pavlodar, 64 Lomov St., room А-509
Dean tel: 8 (7182) 673668 (int. 1188)
Secretary tel: 8 (7182) 673647 (int. 1185)
Dean tel: 8 (7182) 673668 (int. 1188)
Secretary tel: 8 (7182) 673647 (int. 1185)
Dean of the Faculty8 (7182) 673651, (внутр. 1173)
673668; 11-85
Deputy Dean for Academic affairs
Deputy Dean for Educational Work
+7 747 460 30 66
Deputy Dean for Research