Tina Kabylkasymovna Manyapova
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Philology
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor of Higher Attestation Commission
higher, PSPI, teacher of the Russian language and literature (1982).
Professional experience
35 years
Subjects taught
Орыс тілі, Кәсіби орыс тілі, Словообразование современного русского языка, Шешендік өнер және спичрайтинг, Мастерская педагога, Технологии критериального оценивания
Scientific publications
33 1) Маняпова Т.К. Қазақ тілі практикумы: учебное пособие, Павлодар: ЭКО, 2009. – 250 с. 2) Маняпова Т.К., Жартыбаев Н.Б. Электронное обучающее средство «Қазақ тілі» электронды оқу құралы», Астана, 2014 г. 3) Методическая мастерская педагога / Сборник мастер-классов, тренингов, семинаров, коучингов для педагогов 30 пилотных школ РК / под ред. Т.К. Маняповой, К.М. Сагинова - Астана: ЧУ «Центр педагогического мастерства» АОО «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы», 2016.– 167 с.
Field of scientific research
ethnic linguistic picture of the world, linguodidactics, new approaches in teaching and learning, innovative educational practices.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1) Coach of the international program RWCT ("Development of critical thinking through reading and writing"); 2) Certified trainer for the program of advanced training of heads of educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prepared by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of the Autonomous Organization of Education "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" in conjunction with the Faculty of Education of the University of Cambridge.
Room number, building
А -542
Office phone