Shumeyko Ivan Alekseyevich
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Scholastic degree
professor of PSU, associate professor
higher Pavlodar Industrial Institute, specialty - 0501 - Mechanical engineering technology, machine tools and tooling, 1970
Professional experience
58 years
Subjects taught
Machine tools, software management systems, modern types of cutting equipment, Methods of teaching special disciplines.
Scientific publications
Textbook, articles and methodological developments more than 70; 3 innovation patents; Metal-cutting machines: a tutorial - Pavlodar: Kereku. 2014. - 316 p.; Textbook on discipline "Program control systems", PSU, Pavlodar: Kereku. 2015. - 90 p.; Development of control programs for machine tools with numerical control: teaching aid - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2016. - 138 p.; Equipment for machine-building production: a tutorial. - Pavlodar: Toraigyrov University, 2021. - 400 p. ISBN 978-601-345-205-0
Field of scientific research
Head of scientific direction "Alternative Energy Sources".
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1) "Veteran of labor" medal, certificate. For valiant long-term work on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Pavlodar Regional Council of People's Deputies of 17.04.1987, he was awarded the medal "Veteran of Labor" 2) "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", certificate No. 01065 dated September 26, 2005. Awards of S. Toraighyrov PSU. 3) By the decision of the Academic Council of S. Toraighyrov PSU dated 27.04.2011 (Protocol No. 12), the academic title HONORARY HEAD OF the DEPARTMENT of S. Toraighyrov PSU was awarded. 4) "Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov Gold Medal", 28.08.2010 5) Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor I.A. Shumeyko was awarded a certificate of honor for his contribution to the development of S. Toraighyrov PSU on 01.06.2013 on the Day of the celebration of the University Day. 6) "FOR MERITS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN" badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, 29.05.2014 7) Jubilee medal "S. Toraigyrovtyn 125 zhyldygy", the decision of the Academic Council of October 31, 2018. 8) Advanced training courses on the professional training program on the topic "Maintenance and repair of industrial equipment", 72 hours, from 19.06 to 02.07.2018, certificate No. 34; "Modern diagnostics of industrial equipment and methods of non-destructive testing", 72 hours, Pavlodar Center for Control and Diagnostics, 29.08.2019 9) Certificate of Honor from Akim of Pavlodar region A. Baykhanov, dated 09/23/2023 10) Medal "Toraighyrov University" for contribution to the development of science, decision of the Accounting Council No. 1/15 of 09/19/2023
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Office phone
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