higher education, 2007 – graduated from S. Toraighyrov PSU with a degree in 250140 – Mechanical engineering technology, metal–cutting machines and tools; 2009 – graduated from the Master's degree of S. Toraighyrov PSU with a degree in 6N0712 - Mechanical Engineering
Professional experience
15 years
Subjects taught
Design of mechanical assembly shops, Design of technological equipment, Introduction to mechanical engineering and the basics of scientific research, Computer modeling and engineering graphics
Scientific publications
Yksan Zh. M., Denchik A. I., Tkachuk A. A. "Design and production of blanks: an educational and methodical manual", Pavlodar: Kereku, 2015. - 194 p.; Shumeyko I. A., Tkachuk A. A. "Development of control programs for machines with numerical control : an educational and methodical manual", Pavlodar : Kereku, 2016. – 138 p.
Field of scientific research
Mechanics and metalworking
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Certificate No. 4780 "Application of test forms in the educational process", in the amount of 72 hours, as part of advanced training, November 16-28, 2009; English language courses "Agylshyn tili", July 2012; courses "Pedagogy of higher education", in the amount of 36 hours, 28.01.2012; English language course level Pre-Intermediate in the amount of 90 hours, with the receipt of certificates from 30.12.2015; courses "SIOP for instructors of English-medium" in the amount of 8 hours, certificate from 11.12.2018; "Management of zhuyelerin kasiporynda engizu boynsha aimaktyk (salalyk) seminarlardy otkizu", certificate No. 500, 25.04.2019.; advanced training courses from 30.05.2019 to 12.06.2019 according to the professional training program "Modern technologies and equipment of metalworking production" in the amount of 72 hours, PROMTRANS LLP, Karaganda; letter of thanks from Director K. Abdiyev for conducting the UNT, MES RK NCT, December 23, 2015; letter of thanks from the rector of S. Toraigyrov PSU, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, December 2016; letter of thanks from the Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU for his contribution to the improvement of the university territory, July 2018.; a letter of thanks from the Rector of Toraigyrov University for his work during the pandemic; letters of thanks for participating in International Satpayev, Toraigyrov readings.
Room number, building
Office phone
87182673633, internal 1-201
Academic degree
Master of Technical Sciences in Mechanical Engineering