Kussainov Ruslan Beksultanovich
Senior lecturer
Higher education, in 2005 graduated from S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, majoring in "Mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools", qualified as a mechanical engineer
Professional experience
18 years, 3 years of work at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Standardization of S.Toraighyrov PSU and 15 years of work at KSP Steel LLP as a process engineer, production master
Subjects taught
Design of mechanical and assembly shops, Molding processes and metal cutting tools, Forming processes and metal cutting tools, Software control systems, Design of technological equipment, Quality management system, Fundamentals of machine manufacturing, Computer modeling and engineering graphics, Mechanical engineering production equipment, Mechanical engineering Technological processes of production, Reliability of technological systems, Statistical methods of quality control of products and processes, Statistical methods of quality control of production and processes
Scientific publications
"Drilling holes with a zigzag spiral drill without a horizontal edge" scientific journal Toraigyrov University "Science and technology of Kazakhstan" №2 (2022)
Field of scientific research
The study of production problems in the field of technological routes in the processing of blanks cast from special cast iron TSKHN and their solutions, as well as the design of technological devices
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Certificate for active participation in the open methodological seminar "innovative educational programs: practice of development and implementation" on September 14-17, 2022
Room number, building
Office phone
87182673633, internal phone number 1-201