In 2006 -2010 he studied at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University in the specialty "Mechanical Engineering", received a diploma with honors. In 2010 - 2012, he studied for a master's degree at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University in the specialty "Mechanical Engineering", received an academic degree "Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty "Mechanical Engineering". In 2016-2017, he studied for a master's degree at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University in the specialty, received a Master's degree in Economics and Business. In 2018 - 2020, he studied for a master's degree in the specialty "Metallurgy", received a master's degree in technical sciences in the specialty "Metallurgy".
Professional experience
11 years
Scientific publications
1) Analysis of strategies and programs for the development of the mechanical engineering sector in Kazakhstan Collection "Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XVII Satpayev readings", volume 17, Pavlodar, 2017 2) Study of the structure and mechanical properties of steel samples 09G2C Collection "Materials of the international scientific and technical "I Anniversary readings of Boyko F.K." dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Boyko F.K. volume 2, Pavlodar, 2020 3) The influence of the electrode brand on the reliability of welded metal structures Collection "Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "XI Toraigyrov readings", volume 5, Pavlodar, 2020
Field of scientific research
mechanics and metalworking
Awards, diplomas and certificates
In 2015, he was trained to improve the skills of non-destructive and destructive testing. He has a second-level certificate in the methods of MK (magnetic powder control), RC (radiation control), CC (ultrasonic control), DM (metal diagnostics). He took advanced training courses, seminars (about 30). Has diplomas, letters of thanks, awards
Room number, building
Office phone
87182673633, internal 1-201
Academic degree
Master of Technical Sciences