Talgat Kozbakovich Seyteuov
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
PhD in Agricultural Sciences
Pavlodar Technical School named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR (1995), Veterinary Science. - S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Farming (2004) - Mongolian State University of Agriculture, PhD in Agriculture (2011) - The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 6D080200 Livestock Products Technology (2014).
Professional experience
11 years in production and 14 years of scientific and pedagogical activity
Subjects taught
Жануарлар биотехнологиясы; Биотехнология животных; Ұрықты көшіріп отырғызу; Трансплантация эмбрионов; Ауылшаруашылық жануарларын жедел көбейту әдістері; Ауылшаруашылық жануарларының көбею биотехниясы; Акушерство и биотехния сельскохозяйственных животных; Современные методы биотехнологии в животноводстве.
Scientific publications
Over 50 scientific articles published: 1. Учебно-методическое пособие. Сиырларды қысыр қалдырмау шаралары. Керкку-Павлодар, 2016 ж.,135 б. 2. The Use of Various doses of Hormone “Pluset” for Determination of Effective Dose for Simmental Cows’ Superovulation Учебник. World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (9): 1328-1333, 2013 3. Результаты анализа исследования эмбрионов по стадиям развития полученных от коров и телок. Научный журнал Монгольского сельскохозяйственного университета Journal of agricultural sciences. Vol.9 (02), 2012. S. 111-114. 4. Результаты сравнительного изучения количества и качества полученных эмбрионов от суперовулированных коров симментальской и казахской белоголовой пород. Научный журнал Монгольского сельскохозяйственного университета Journal of agricultural sciences. Vol.9 (02), 2012. S. 115-119. 5. Трансплантация эмбрионов коров в условиях Северо-восточного Казахстана : монография. - Павлодар: Кереку, 2011. – 115 стр. 6. Солтүстік-Шығыс Қазақстан өңіріндегі сиырлардан ұрық алу, оларды бағалау және көшіріп отырғызу : монография. - Павлодар: Кереку, 2015. – 120 стр. 7. Результаты трансплантации эмбрионов крупного рогатого скота в условиях северо-востока Казахстана. ВЕСТНИК НАУКИ Казахского агротехнического университета им. С. Сейфуллина (междисциплинарный), №2 (101), Нұр-Сұлтан 2019. 4-12 стр.
Field of scientific research
Breeding, selection, genetics and reproduction of agricultural animals.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
According to the results of the research work, more than 50 scientific articles, 2 monographs, 2 study guides, 1 innovative patent, including the publication of foreign journals included in international citation databases, have been published. Since 2011, under the guidance of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Bekseitov Toktar Karibaevich, he carried out contractual work and grant projects in the Pavlodar region. In 2012 and 2017, he completed a continuing education course in Germany and received the international certificate “Embrio - Transfer - Kurs”. He was awarded a letter of thanks from the Pavlodar regional maslikhat for many years of conscientious work, a significant contribution to the development of agriculture in the region and high professionalism (2018). In 2019, from the parties Nur Otan “Algys”.
Room number, building
Office phone