Rustem Beysembayevich Abeldinov
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Associate Professor
higher, Shakarim Semey State University, Selection and Biotechnology (2004). Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in 06.02.01 Breeding, Genetics, Selection and Reproduction of Farm Animals, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University (2010)
Professional experience
11 years
Subjects taught
Farm Animals Breeding and Selection; Breeding; Genetic Methods in Selection; General Zootechnics; Evaluation of Animals by Phenotype and Genotype; Methods of Accounting and Evaluation of Animals by Phenotype
Scientific publications
over 50 research papers: 1. Абельдинов Р. Б.Учебное пособие «Жалпы зоотехния» для студентов специальности 5В080100 - «Агрономия», 5В080200 - «Технология производства продуктов животноводства», Павлодар 2014 г.; 2. Бурамбаева Н.Б., Абельдинов Р.Б., Темиржанова А. А, Монография «Курдючные овцы северо-востока Казахстана» Павлодар 2014 г.; 3. Бексеитов Т.К., Абельдинов Р.Б., Жанайдаров К.Д. Рекомендации «Изучение адаптивных и продуктивных качеств скота зарубежной селекции северо-востока Казахстана» Павлодар 2014 г.
Field of scientific research
breeding, genetics, selection and reproduction of farm animals
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1 study guide; 1 monograph, 2 recommendations in co-authorship. Diploma “Best Lecturer”, S. Toraighyrov PSU (2008). Diploma “Zhas Talap” (2008). Diploma “Researcher of the Year” (2011)
Room number, building
Office phone