Alma Abeugazinovna Temirzhanova
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Scholastic degree
HAC Associate Professor
Semey State University, Chemistry and Biology (1996). Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in 06.02.01 Breeding, Genetics, Selection and Reproduction of Farm Animals, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University (2010)
Professional experience
18 years
Subjects taught
Microbiology; Pond Fish Breeding; Sheep Breeding, Manufacturing Technique of Wool and Lamb Meat; Goat Breeding, Milk, Meat, Wool and Fluff Production Technologies; Bonitation of Sheep, Horses and Pigs
Scientific publications
over 100 research papers
Field of scientific research
breeding, genetics, selection and reproduction of farm animals
Awards, diplomas and certificates
as a result of her research activities, A.A. Temirzhanova has published a monograph, recommendation, practical guide in sheep breeding, and 5 manuals. She defended her Candidate's dissertation on May 23, 2008. Best Lecturer, a diploma from S. Toraighyrov PSU (2006). Certificate “Status and Prospects of Animal Husbandry Development in Kazakhstan” (2009)
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