Jumatayeva Kumis Kudaibergenkyzy
Lecturer (Assistant)
Scholastic degree
Master's degree "Veterinary Medicine"
Scholastic degree
education, "Kazakh National Agrarian Research University" Bachelor's degree in "Technology of animal products production" 2018; "Kazakh National Agrarian Research University" Master's degree "Veterinary Medicine" 2020 "Kazakh National Agrarian Research University" doctoral program "Veterinary Medicine" 2023
Professional experience
APC "Almaty Breeding plant" Almaty region, Talgar - 2018-2019 - zootechnician breeder Elite Premix LLP, Almaty – 2019-2020 – consultant-technologist LLP "Kazakh Research Institute of Agricultural Economics" 2020-2021 - senior analyst.
Subjects taught
Physiology and biochemistry of animals Animal anatomy Microbiology Labor protection in animal husbandry Morphology of farm animals Morphology of animals Organization of veterinary business Laboratory work in veterinary medicine.
Scientific publications
1. Prevalence and etiology of infertility in cows of LLP "Ushterek and K" of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials of the X anniversary international scientific conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Knowledge of the young for the development of veterinary medicine and agriculture of the country", dedicated to the year of science and technology. Saint Petersburg 2021. pp. 101-102. 2. Improving the efficiency of synchronization protocols by using teaser bulls. ESDAR. Reprod Domestic Animals.2020. p. 82. 3. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of subclinical endometritis in cows. MATERIALS of the X anniversary international scientific conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Knowledge of the young for the development of veterinary medicine and agriculture of the country", dedicated to the year of science and technology. St. Petersburg 2021. pp. 364-365. 4. Causes of infertility and low efficiency of synchronization schemes of sexual hunting in cows in the conditions of LLP "USHTEREK and K" of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Collection of works dedicated to the All-Russian Scientific and practical Conference with international participation
Field of scientific research
reproduction, obstetrics and gynecology, artificial insemination.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Сертификат прошла теоретический и практический курс обучения на тему: " Оператор по искусственому осеменение сельскохозяйственных животных" Регист.номер 322 "Biostatistical analysis of research results" №000193
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