Ateikhan Bolatbek
Associate professor
1. Higher education, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University specialty-Animal Science 050802, 2010 2. Master's degree – S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty - Technology of production of animal products 6M080200, 2016 3. Doctoral program – Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, specialty-Technology of production of animal products 6D080200, 2020
Professional experience
4 year
Subjects taught
1. technology of animal husbandry production 2. Obstetrics and biotech distribution of agricultural animals 3. seed planting 4. fundamentals of breeding work 5. embryo transplantation of production of livestock products. 7. modern methods of evaluating crop yields of animals 8. breeding work in meat and milk farming 9. introduction to the technology of production of livestock products and fundamentals of scientific research 10. morphology of farm animals
Scientific publications
List of publications in magazines recommended by COCSON Mon RK: 1.RESULTS OF EXTERNAL EVALUATION OF CALVES-TRANSPLANTS BORN IN POBEDA LLP.Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarim Semey City, No. 4, 2020, STR. 297-300. 2.results of embryo transplantation in the conditions of LLP victory. Journal of Science and education. 2020. No. 1, STR. 107-110. 3.results of embryo transplantation in the conditions of LLP victory. Bulletin of the Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seifullina (international) No. 2 (101), 2019, STR. 4-14. 4.milk productivity of cows Simmental porosity with different genotypes on the Kappa-casein gene. Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarim in Semey. No. 2, 2016, STR. 209-213. 5.results of external evaluation of calves-transplants born in Pobeda LLP. "Bulletin of shakarim State University of Semey", 2020 – № 4 (92). 297-300 P.
Field of scientific research
Animal husbandry, Cattle embryo transplantation
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. Algys khat, Pavlodar regional maslikhat, 2018. 2. Kurmet gramotasy, Toraigyrov University, 2020. 3. Certificate, Embryo-Transfer-Kurs, Germany 2017 4. Certificate, Embryo-Transfer-Kurs, Germany 2019 5. Certificate, Organization and evaluation of the breeding value of dairy cattle and meat-dairy and meat production areas (bonitirovki), Astana 2017
Room number, building
Office phone
Academic degree
Master of Agricultural Sciences