Scholastic degree
Master of Biology
higher: Saltanat Beysenbekovna graduated from Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Biology and Chemistry (2000-2005). She holds a Master of Biology from Tomsk State Pedagogical University (2012-2014).
Professional experience
18 years
Subjects taught
Biotechnology of Animals; Microbiology; Methods of Experiment Works; Goat Breeding, Technology of Milk, Meat, Wool and Down Production.
Scientific publications
Over 20 scientific articles published: 1. Training at the international training seminar "Modern professional education: training requirements, assessing results, interacting with the business community" in the amount of 32 hours, lectures by Manfred Zievers (Germany), in the framework of advanced training. 2. Cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Russian Federation in the field of conservation of biological diversity and environmental management. Scientific journal of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, "Biological Sciences of Kazakhstan", 2009, No. 3 - 4, S. 156-160. 3. Participation in the XVIII International Conference of Students, Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Science and Education", section "Natural Sciences" (04/21/2014 - 05/16/2014). Tomsk, 2014 4. Certificate No. 675 of April 11, 2017 on state registration of rights to the copyright object under the name "Kazakhstan қsіrіletіn mal tyұқymdary" (computer program). 5. Textbook “Microbiology. Guidelines and recommendations for laboratory studies ”, Pavlodar: Kereku, PSU named after S. Toraigyrova, 2017 .-- 120 p. 6. Participation in the research (economic contract) topic “Study of the soil and vegetation cover in the area of ​​the accidental fall of the Proton-M LV in 2007 in the Karaganda region, research of environmental objects in the Yu-3 zone on the border of the Kostanai and Karaganda regions”.
Field of scientific research
Awards, diplomas and certificates
According to the results of the research work, more than 20 scientific articles, 1 study guide, 3 study guides in co-authorship and certificates of the author of intellectual property were published (1. Author's certificate (MJ RK) No. 1351 “Microbiology” (guidelines and instructions for laboratory studies) ( computer program - an electronic textbook); 2Author certificate (MJ RK) No. 675 dated 04/11/2017 "Kazakhstan даsіrіletіn mal tұқymdary" (computer program); 2.Author certificate (MJ RK) No. 2670 dated 12/14/2016 g .; 3. "Poultry farming, production technology of poultry products (training aid) ”(computer program), in 2019 1 article was published in the foreign magazine“ Hymanities and Social Sceinces ”- Title: The influence of novoaltaysk breed of horses in the development of productive horse breeding in the north-east of Kazakhstan - The influence of Novoaltaysk breed of horses in the development of productive horse breeding in the north-east of Kazakhstan - Ad Alta-journal of interdisciplinary research - Magnanimitas, Ceskoslovenske Armady 300, Hradec Kralove, 500 03, Czech Republic - volume: 9 - issue: 1 - pages 101-112 - special issue: 5 - published: December, 2019. Participation in the II regional competition "The Best Teacher of Biology 2009" (in nominations) - winner in the nomination "Teacher-Researcher" Participation in the webinar, certificate “IPR BOOKS EBS opportunities for teachers in the educational process”, held on May 22, 2019 at the university, in November 2018, in honor of a professional holiday, a letter of thanks from the dean of the faculty for introducing innovation and training specialists was awarded Senior Lecturer Amanbaeva SB, certificates of advanced training: "The use of distance learning technologies in the educational process", in the amount of 72 hours, full-time distance education "қазақ тілі әліпбиін латин indeed. graphicsсыna kөshіru zhғd ayinda zhoғary oқu oryndary professor-қytushylar құramainyң kәsіbi құzyrettіlіgin arttyru ", in the amount of 240 hours.
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