Lyaylya Maulyutkanovna Bauzhanova
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor
- Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University, Veterinary Medicine (1997-2003) - Graduate School of Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University (2003-2006), Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in 03.00.19 Parasitology
Professional experience
19 years
Subjects taught
Anatomy of agricultural animals with the basics of physiology, Clinical diagnostics, Pathology and pathophysiology of animals, Parasitology, Fundamentals of Veterinary Medicine, Bird diseases and Fish Diseases.
Scientific publications
More than 90 scientific papers have been published in domestic and foreign scientific publications (Russia, Japan, USA, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Turkey, South Korea and Switzerland). The Hirsch index is 1.
Field of scientific research
The impact of infectious and parasitic diseases of agriculture animals and their prevention and treatment
Awards, diplomas and certificates
According to the results of the research work, more than 90 scientific articles, 1 textbook in English, 4 study guides, 6 Copyright certificates for intellectual property and 1 patent for invention No. 19695 of July 15, 2008, Bull. Number 7. She passed international continuing education courses in the State of Israel, Tel Aviv. He is a scientific expert at the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise, a member of the Association of Scientists of Kazakhstan. Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016), Khalykaralyk Қазақ тілі қоғаманың Құрмет diplomas (2017), Certificate of Honor from the rector of PSU (2019, 2020), and the Letter of Thanks from NTsGNTE.
Room number, building
Office phone