History of the department


Faculty of Agricultural Sciences


"Zootechnology and veterinary"

Bachelor's degree programs

Technology of production of animal products and

Veterinary medicine

Master's Degree educational Program

Technology of production of animal products

The Department of "Zootechnology and veterinary" was created on the initiative of the Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU - Doctor of Economics, Professor Aryn E.M. in July 2010 and became part of the Faculty of Agrotechnology. Since 2019, the name of the faculty has been renamed to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. The department trains specialists in educational programs: 6B08201 "Technology of production of animal products" and 6B09101 "Veterinary medicine"

Field of education: 6B08 Agriculture and bioresources

Code and classification of training areas: 6B082 Animal Husbandry and 6B091 Veterinary Medicine

Group of educational programs: B078 Animal Husbandry and B083 Veterinary Medicine

The department trains students in the following training trajectories: "Production technology with the basics of processing livestock products"; "Livestock breeding with the basics of IAS"; Poultry production technology"; "Livestock production technology with the basics of veterinary medicine" and veterinary medicine.

At the department, the subjects of professional activity are technological processes in animal husbandry and poultry farming, processing of raw materials and production of livestock products, breeding and breeding work in animal husbandry, quality control systems for final products, quality management system at livestock and poultry enterprises, the system of ensuring occupational safety and health at the enterprise and veterinary safety in the agro-industrial complex.

The spheres of professional activity are agricultural formations, veterinary laboratories, state veterinary institutions, research institutions, state border, customs, markets and trading institutions engaged in the sale of animal and vegetable products, meat processing plants, educational institutions, etc.

Students study in the leading agro-industrial enterprises of the Pavlodar region according to the training trajectories. Enterprises for which an educational program is provided:

- Galitsky LLP, Rubikom LLP, Sut JSC, Pobeda LLP;

-LLP "Agrodamu", LLP "Ushterek", LLP OH "Irtyshskoe"; LLP Agrofirm "Akzhar Ondiris"

- Sharbakty-Kus LLP, Pavlodar-Kus LLP, Kyzylzhar-Kus LLP, PVL Turkey LLP

- Veterinary clinics "Care", "Jean" and the Higher Innovation College "Ertis".

At the department, students study at universities on internal and external academic mobility:

- Altai State Agrarian University Barnaul, Russia;

- Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty;

- Kazakh Agrarian and Technical University named after S. Seifullin;

- NAO Shakarim Semey University

internal: NAO KazNAIU, JSC KazATU named after Seifulin, NAO Shakarim Semey University, etc.;

external: European countries.

Additional educational and other services:

- Military Department

- Social student loans (involvement in volunteering) and others.