Zarina Vladimirovna Kapshakbayeva
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Master of Engineering
Higher, Innovative University of Eurasia - Biotechnology, 2011; Shakarim Semey State University - Food Safety, 2019
Professional experience
11 years
Subjects taught
Контроль и оценка сырья и продовольственных продуктов 1, Биотехнология и биобезопасность 2, Пищевая биотехнология 3, Молекулярная биотехнология 4, Пищевая химия 5, Биохимия 6, Биотехнология пищевых продуктов из сырья растительного происхождения 7, Основы научных исследований и методика лабораторного дела 8, Общая технология пищевых производств 9, Тағам биотехнологиясы 10, Азық-түлік өнімдер мен шикізаттарды бақылау және бағалау 11, Нан және өнімдерінің технологиясы 12
Scientific publications
36: 1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of probiotic products / XIV Scientific-Practical Conference of SSU named after Shakarima, Semey December 9-10, 2010 62-63 pp. 2. Prospects for the development of functional nutrition / XIV scientific-practical conference of SSU. Shakarima, Semey December 9-10, 2010 63-64 pp. 3. Biotechnological aspects of producing a fermented milk drink based on goat's milk / Innovative technologies in the food industry, Materials of the XI International scientific and practical conference, Minsk October 3-4, 2012 205-208 pp. 4. Current trends in the development of functional products / Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Medical and Natural Sciences: Actual Problems of Theory and Practice" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of H. Zhumatov, Pavlodar 2012, 242-244 pp. 5. Biotechnological aspects of obtaining a fermented milk product of herodietic prescription / International scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students, schoolchildren “XIII Satpayev readings”, Volume XVIII, Pavlodar April 12, 2013 79-81 6. Biotechnology of new pasty cheese / IX International Scientific and Technical Conference, Food Engineering and Technology, Mogilev April 25-26, 2013, 194 pp. 7. The use of herbal additives in the production of cheese products / Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of food production: state and development prospects", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the corresponding member of the Kazakh Agricultural Academy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor E.T. Tuleuova, November 27, 2017, Semey 8. Current trends in the development of functional products / Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "Problems of ensuring food security of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Amirkhanov Kumarbek Zhunusbekovich, September 15, 2017, Semey 9. Optimization of the formulation of a fermented milk drink based on goat milk / Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarim of the city of Semey No. 4 (80) 2017 10. Zhұmsa іrіmshіk іndіru kesіndegі eshkі sүtіnің physicochemicals ққ технологияә technologiқ иасиеттерін зерттеу / Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarim of Semey city No. 4 (80) 2017 11. Zhergіlіktі kөkөnіs daқyldaryn paidalana otyryp aқuyz іnіmіn әzіrleu / Bulletin of NKSU named after M. Kozybaev No. 1 (38), Petrovavl, 2018 12. Development of a biotechnological process for the production of fermented milk drink based on goat's milk / Materials of the IV International Scientific and Technical Conference (correspondence) "Innovative technologies in the food industry: science, education and production", November 9-10, 2017, Voronezh 13. Biotechnological aspects of obtaining a combined fermented milk drink based on goat milk / Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Food, Ecology, Quality", November 8-10, 2017, Novosibirsk
Field of scientific research
Food Biotechnology, Food Safety
Awards, diplomas and certificates
PhD doctoral defense
Room number, building
Office phone
8(7182)67-36-41 1294