Shynar Kazbolatovna Kakezhanova
Senior lecturer
Higher education
Professional experience
13 years
Subjects taught
Meteorology and climatology, Physical geography of Kazakhstan, Geomorphology, Transport support in tourism, Eco-tourism, Hotel service, Tourism industry and infrastructure, Hotel management, etc.
Scientific publications
1. "Long-term education of East Asian children – as a problem of demand in children's and youth tourism"-International Conference "Actual problems of Geography", 2017, 2. "Expansion of scientific and educational exchange between Kazakhstan and South Korea under the KOICA program" - international scientific conference "XVIII Satbayev Readings", 2018, 3. Gastronomic tourism in Kazakhstan-international scientific conference "XXI Satbayev Readings", 2018, 4. Trends in the development of the hotel industry - International scientific conference "XVIII Satbayev Readings", 2018 Satbayev Readings", 2021
Field of scientific research
Glacial resources of Altai
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Certificate of advanced training of Orleu
Room number, building
Office phone
87182-673665(вн.12-77), 87779403648
Academic degree
Master's Degree