Maksat Ardasheruly Amirghaly
Lecturer (Assistant)
Scholastic degree
Master of science
higher, Kazakh National Agrarian University, an academic degree in 6В090700 Cadaster (2011-2015); A Master’s degree in 6B090700 Cadaster (MSc) earned from Kazakh National Agrarian University (2015-2017)
Professional experience
S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (since 2018).
Subjects taught
(Bachelor’s degree program): Cartography, Introduction to World Geography, General Geography, Methods of Geographical Research, Geoecology of Pavlodar Region, the Geographical Foundations of Management, Economic Geography, Land Cadaster and Fundamentals of Soil Science, Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans, Methods of Teaching in Graduate School, Meteorology and Climatology the Republican State Enterprise Kazgidromet of Pavlodar region, Topography with Fundamentals of Geodesy, Soil Geography and Fundamentals of Land Cadaster, Landscape Studies
Room number, building
Office phone
+7 747 460 30 66