Azylbekova Gulya Olzhabaevna
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Philology
Higher - Pavlodar State University. S. Toraigyrov with a degree in German (Pavlodar). Awarded the qualification "German teacher", 1998; Master - Pavlodar State University S. Toraigyrov with a degree in German (Pavlodar). Qualification and academic degree “Master of Linguistics (German)”, 2004; Postgraduate study - Tobolsk State Socio-Pedagogical Academy named after D. Mendeleev. Thesis defense - Tyumen State University. Awarded the academic candidate of philological sciences, 2011
Professional experience
26 years
Subjects taught
German; European language A1, A2 (German); Methods of teaching foreign languages; Fundamentals of scientific research in linguistics; Fundamentals of the professional activity of translators
Scientific publications
1. Application of communicative exercises for the formation of grammatical skills in an English lesson 2. Monograph "Pragmatics of evaluation" 3. Some features of the translation of oil and gas industry texts 4. Novelty of the word as a fundamental concept of neologism 5.Agylshyn zhane kazak tіlderіndegі salistyrulardyң құramdylyқpen semantikalіқ erekshelekterі 6. Proverbs and sayings reflecting the national character of the Germans 7.Linguistic representation of the concepts "study" and "оқу" in English and Kazakh linguistic cultures 8. Evaluative statements in the gender aspect 9. Pragmatische Prinzipien der Linguistik 10. Bilingual personality in modern society 11. Semantic and pragmatic features of utilitarian evaluation: on the material of the Russian and German languages ​​(dissertation) 12. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences 13. "Benefit" - "Harm": semantics and pragmatics of utilitarian assessment 14. Pragmatic aspect of UO in literature (based on the works of Ch. Aitmatov) 15.Utilitarian component of meaning in the phraseology of the German and Russian languages 16.Utilitarian aspect in the German-language press 17. Persuasion as a way of rational speech influence 18. Speech strategy of persuasion: utilitarian aspect 19. The public sphere of the use of rationalistic evaluation in German and Russian 20.Utilitarian assessment of the environment 21. Aspekte der linguistischen Pragmatik 22. Rational aspect in the German language culture 23. The pragmatic role of utilitarian assessments in the literature (based on the works of Ch. Aitmatov) 24. Reflection of utilitarian evaluation in the German-language press 25. Evaluation as one of the forms of the human factor in the language. 26. The ratio of semantics and pragmatics of the opposition "benefit-harm". 27.Utilitarian assessment in the press 28.Strukturell-semantische Analyze der deutschen Wortpaare in den literarischen Werken. 29. Phraseologisms with the names of parts in Russian. and German 30. Study guide "Art around us: painting, music" 31.Special course in phraseology of the German language 32. Science - school 33. Phrase-forming activity and semantics of numerals as part of phraseological units in modern German 34. Comparative analysis in phraseology. Phraseologisms with numerals in German and Kazakh languages 35. Phraseologisms with elements of numerals in contrastive terms (on the material of German and Kazakh languages)
Field of scientific research
Linguistic pragmatics; Discourse; Conceptology
Awards, diplomas and certificates
08/25/2017 - Letter of thanks from the Pavlodar regional maslikhat; 2016 - Letter of thanks from the Nazarbayev Intellectual School (Pavlodar); 2015 - Letter of thanks from Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov
Room number, building
264, 266
Office phone
67-36-31, вн. 1346
Academic degree
Master in Linguistics (German)