Educational Activities

Educational work of the Department of Foreign Philology for the 2023-2024 academic year
Educational work is carried out in accordance with the educational work plan of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Department of Foreign Philology, including university-wide events, public holidays, organizational events, moral education, labor education and career guidance work, legal education, healthy lifestyle, sports work and work in the dormitory.
Educational and organizational issues are considered at department meetings. Educational work is carried out centrally, in accordance with the approved plan and taking into account the specifics of the work of the faculty and department.
Students of the department take an active part in public events of the university and the department:
- Knowledge Day (September, 2023);
- Meeting with representatives of the center of youth initiatives (September, 2023);
- Initiation into students (September 2023);
- Curator's hour "TOU Quality Goals" (September 2023);
- Curator's hours on the topic: Introduction to the University Internal Regulations (September 2023);
- Organization of fluorographic examination of employees and faculty (September 2023);
- Health Day for 1st year students (hike) (September 2023);
- Translator's Day (September 30)
- Day of the Elderly people (October 2023);
- Organization of the event "Our University Yesterday and Today" (December 5, 2023);
- Participation in the event "Health Day" held at the ski base of the Usolsky microdistrict (during the year);
- Participation of students and faculty in clean-up days (during the year);
- Organization of teacher shifts in Student Houses (during the year);
- Participation in university Spartakiads (during the year);
- Raids to the Students' House (September-December);
- Student volunteers visiting city schools to meet with graduates (during the academic year);
- Organizing and holding meetings with famous cultural and scientific figures of the region and the republic (during the year);
- Zhastar Rukhi, - February 5, 2024;
- Play "Bayan, Men, Taular", February 19, 2024;
- Film "Aldar Kose" - February 15, 2024;
- Participation in the event Anime Evening, February 19, 2024;
- Participation in the event dedicated to the holiday "International Women's Day", March 7, 2024;
- Lecture on the prevention of turbinate among students, March 18, 2024;
- Participation in the event dedicated to the holiday "Nauryz", March 21, 2024;
- "Our native land and the land of the dead" - April 4, 2024;
- Participation in the presentation of the football club "Ertis", April 8, 2024;
- Participation in the event "Job Fair", May 23, 2024;
- Participation in the contest Miss ToU- 2024, Sarseken Armanay, SF-301, May 2024;
- Participation in the event, presentation of the medical institution "Medicare" May 23, 2024;
- Participation in the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan - "The Wealth of the Nation is in Unity" (dedicated to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan), May 2024.
- Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Spiritual and Material Values ​​of the Present and Past of the Nation", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Alkey Margulan, May 24, 2024;
- Preparation and holding of student and scientific-practical conferences (during the year);
- Premiere of the musical performance "Shamshi". - April 28-29, 2024;
- "ToU Band" Vocal and folk ensemble concert. - April 29, 2024;

Conducting advisory hours on the topics:
- I am proud of you, my Kazakhstan;
- Famous personalities of the great steppe and the millennial tradition of statehood;
- Integrity Lesson:
- Openness and transparency in higher education organizations.

- Transition to a single time zone in the Republic of Kazakhstan in March 2024;
- Basic laws of the constitution on human rights;
- Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan;
- Point-rating system for assessing the quality of education: course policy, method of assigning grades, points, etc.;
- Conducting the results of midterm control;
- Discussion of the examination session