higher, Omsk State Pedagogical University, specialty - Informatics, 2002 Postgraduate studies, specialty - 13.00.02 Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing (informatics, informatization of education), Omsk State Pedagogical University, specialty - Informatics, 2003-2006
Professional experience
16 years
Subjects taught
Analysis, modeling and design of information systems, Multimedia technologies, Development and use of educational electronic publications and Internet resources.
Scientific publications
more than 100 works, including: 1. Dzharasova G.S., Asainova A. Zh. The structure of the modular educational program for the preparation of masters of computer science // Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU. - No. 3 (106). - Astana. - 2015 .-- S. 128-135. 2. Asainova A. Zh., Dzharasova G.S. Subject area of professional training of Master of Informatics // Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai №1 (49) 2015 - C.144-151 3. Dzharasova G.S., Asainova A. Zh. Competence model of training Master of Informatics // // Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay №1 (49) 2015. - C. 169-175 4. Aitbayeva K., Assainova A. Implementation of the project of management and control of household appliances in a smart home // Актуальная наука, 2018. № 10 (15), С. 17-21
Field of scientific research
Digitalization of education, distance learning, training of IT personnel, digital educational resources.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1 Advanced training program for teachers of pedagogical specialties / JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies" Orleu "06/20/2015? 72 72 hours 2 Modern Information and Communication Technologies in the Industry Application: Digital transformation of education, Visualization of objects for AR and VR, Basics of Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning. 74 hours. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. 04.04. 2018 - 14.04.2018 3 Information and communication technologies in scientific and pedagogical activities. Innovative Eurasian University 08.01.2019-25.01.2019, 72 hours 4 Modernization of higher education in central asia through new technologies, Tashkent State University of Economiks 02.12.2019-06.12.2019
Room number, building
Office phone
673651 (вн. 1171)
Academic degree
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Academic title
associate professor, professor at PSU