Bayzhumanov Saduakas Dulatovich
Senior lecturer
Higher, Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova, specialty "Mathematics and Computer Science", 1997. Master's degree, Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, specialty "6N0111-Informatics", 2008
Professional experience
General 24 years, scientific and pedagogical 8 years.
Subjects taught
Networking technologies, Programming Python, C ++, Modern object-oriented programming languages, Analysis of algorithms and parallel computing.
Scientific publications
1) Interactive educational digital resources for computer science in terms of transition to the trilingual training // E-SdPTCONICIT - Espacios (ISSN07981015-Venezuela-Scopus), 2education (09), 900719Vol. 38 (Nº 40) Año 2017. Pág. 5; 2) Gamification as a learning management system // POLISH SCIENCE JOURNAL (ISSUE 5 (14), 2019) - Warsaw: Sp. zo.o. "iScience", 2019. Part 2 - 165 p. pp. 70-72. 3) Application of the theory of clubs to learning with elements of gamification // Bulletin of the Almaty University of Energy and Communications. No. 4 (47) 2019, pp. 256-260. 4) Game elements of the gamification system // Bulletin of the Almaty University of Energy and Communications. No. 4 (47) 2019, pp. 250-255.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1) ArcGISDesktopII: ToolsandFunctionality, v.10.0 (Kazakhstan Center for Geographic Information Systems LLP, Astana, 2015); 2) ArcGISDesktopIII: GISWorkflowsandAnalysis, v.10.0 (Kazakhstan Center of Geographic Information Systems LLP, Astana, 2015); 3) Educational program of advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities "Modern pedagogical technologies" (JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies" Orleu ", Almaty, 2016).
Room number, building
Office phone
674636 (вн. 1171)
Academic title
Master in Informatics