Alexandra Olegovna Potapenko
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Higher, S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty 050704 "Computer Engineering and Software", 2012. Master's degree at S. Toraigyrova PSU, specialty - 6M070300 "Information Systems", 2014
Professional experience
2 years
Subjects taught
special issues of computer systems design, theory of computational processes, C # programming, database design, object-oriented programming.
Scientific publications
Total 21 articles, 1 patent and toolkits for students. Among which 11 are presented in magazines recommended by the Committee for Monitoring and Certification in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 8 at international conferences, one is published in the foreign journal Applied Mechanics and Materials, and one article is published in the journal Electric Power, which is part of the database Cited by Scopus. 1. Существующие автоматизированные системы мониторинга состояния окружающей среды и типовая концепция их построения, Вестник ПГУ – 2012 г. - 7 с. 3. Simulation of voltage on the stator winding terminals of induction motor with impaired short-circuit winding of rotor, «Applied Mechanics and Materials» Vol. 792 - 2015г. – 5 с. 3. Определения периода электрического сигнала в электроэнергетике для его спектрального анализа, Омский научный вестник, №1(151) - 2017г. - 7 с. 4. Моделирование процессов в режиме выбега асинхронного двигателя с короткозамкнутым ротором при повреждении его стержней, Журнал «Электротехника» №1 - 2017г. - 15 с. 5. Учебное пособие для студентов технических специальностей высших учебных заведений «Специальные вопросы проектирования компьютерных систем», Издательство «Кереку», г. Павлодар - 92 с.
Field of scientific research
research and development of systems for monitoring and predicting environmental pollution by solid aerosols; Diagnostic and damage control systems for a short-circuited rotor winding of an induction motor.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
17 certificates and diplomas in total, some of them: Elsevier BV Certificate for the participation in ScienceDirect and Scopus Training; IELTS; Certificates of internships: at the Riga Technical University (Latvia, Riga), at the National Research Technical University of MISiS (RF, Moscow), at the National Research University of MPEI (RF, Moscow).
Room number, building
Office phone
674636 (вн. 1171)