Oleg Grigoryevich Potapenko
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Scholastic degree
professor, the member of the International Academy of Informatization
higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, Electric Power Supply of Industrial Plants (1975) Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Automation of Electrothermal Processes and Production (1982).
Professional experience
40 years
Subjects taught
Special Matters of Computer Systems Engineering, Organization of ECM, Automatization of Electrotechnological Processes and Producing Operations, the Basics of Systems Theory.
Scientific publications
6 inventions and 63 research papers
Field of scientific research
automated systems of information processing and management
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Certificate for contribution to the social development and prosperity of independent Kazakhstan from the Vice-Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan (2002); Certificate of Merit from Akim of Pavlodar for long-term fruitful work (2005); Honoured Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006); Corresponding Member of the International Informatization Academy (2006); S. Toraighyrov Gold Medal (2010); Full Member of the International Informatization Academy (since 2014). He supervised theses of 14 Master’s degree students.
Room number, building
Office phone
674636 (вн. 1171)