Andrey Dmitriyevich Gutenko
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Scholastic degree
PSU Associate Professor
higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Physics (1976-1980); Postgraduate studies at the Department of Physical Electronics of Saint Petersburg State Technical University, speciality: Physical Electronics, including Quantum.
Professional experience
39 years
Subjects taught
Physics; Nondestructive Test and Technical Diagnostics; Basics of Designing of Devices and Systems; Means of Medical Diagnostics; Indestructible Control Method.
Scientific publications
1. A.D. Gutenko, Yu.P. Udoyev. Fast generator of threshold voltage with capacitive load (written in Russian, the original title: Быстродействующий формирователь порогообразного напряжения на емкостной нагрузке). - Experimental Instruments and Techniques, 1990, Issue 1, pp. 127-128. 2. Yu.P. Udoyev, A.D. Gutenko. Spatial modulation of light based on the FTIR effect (Пространственная модуляция света на основе эффекта НПВО). - In the book: the Second All-Union Conference on Optical Information Processing. Abstracts. - Frunze, May 24-26, 1990, pp. 275-276. 3. Yu.P. Udoyev, A.D. Gutenko. Modulation and stabilization of laser ultraviolet radiation (Модуляция и стабилизация интенсивности лазерного ультрафиолетового излучения). - Laser Physics. - SPb., Issue 1, 1991, pp. 198-204. 4. A.D. Gutenko, Yu.P. Udoyev Broadband high voltage cascade for the electro-optical modulator (Широкополосный высоковольтный каскад для электрооптического модулятора). - Experimental Instruments and Techniques, Issue 1, 1992, pp. 208-210. 5. S.F. Knitero, A.D. Gutenko, Yu.P. Udoyev. Some features of TIR-interference of light in thin films (Некоторые особенности ПВО-интерференции света в тонких пленках.). - Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol. 73, Issue 4, pp.795-799. 6. Yu.P. Udoyev, A.D. Gutenko, S.F. Knitero, F.D. Soler. Optical bistability and modulation of laser radiation in thin-film structures with impaired TIR (Оптическая бистабильность и модуляция лазерного излучения в тонкопленочных структурах с нарушением ПВО). - Proceedings of the VII Laser Optics International Conference. Abstracts. - St. Petersburg, June 21-25, 1993, Part 1, p.314. 7. A.D. Gutenko, Yu.P. Udoyev. Waveguide light modulator (Волноводный модулятор света). - Description of the invention for the author's certificate SU 1805436 A1, b. 12. 30.03. 1993. 8. State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ST RK 1021-2000) “The system of qualification, training and certification of staff of technical diagnostics and control”. - Astana: State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2000. 9. State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ST RK 1041-2001) “Requirements for the operation of laboratories of technical diagnostics and control”. - Astana: State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2001.
Field of scientific research
Physical methods of control. Optical information processing
Awards, diplomas and certificates
an internship at Scientific Research Institute of Introscopy “Spectrum” MNPO CJSC (Moscow, December 2003). Organization of Educational Process in Accordance with the Credit System of Education (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2005). Summer School in Physics (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2007, 2008). Application of Differential Equations for Solving Problems of Deformable Solid Body Mechanics. Problem of Stability and Strength (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2009). Modern Equipment and Industrial Measurement Systems for Research Institutes, Ore Mining, Smelting, and Processing Companies (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2010).
Room number, building
Office phone
673626, 1170
Academic degree
Academic title