Vladimir Ivanovich Phandushin
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor of PSU
1. Higher; Vladimir Ivanovich graduated from Pavlodar Industrial Institute with a degree in Electricity Supply of Industrial Enterprises in 1981; 2. Postgraduate school at Moscow Power Engineering Institute, an academic degree in Automated Electrotechnological Installations and Systems, 1991.
Professional experience
33 years
Subjects taught
Theory of Computing Processes, Computer Networks, System Programming, Artificial Intelligence Systems, Computer Systems Interfaces, Computer architecture.
Scientific publications
1. «Программная реализация алгоритмов регулирования и управления на основе микропроцессоров»; 2. «Коррекция несимметрии электрического режима ДСП посредством регулятора мощности»; 3. «Применение технологии «SCADA» для построения автоматизированных систем управления»; 4. «Распределённая микропроцессорная система управления дуговой сталеплавильной печью».
Field of scientific research
microprocessor management systems, architecture of ECM, microprocessor machines.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. Certificate of the Moscow National Open University INTUIT on improving education in the course "Architecture and organization of computers"; 2. Certificate of the Moscow National Open University INTUIT on improving education in the course "Fundamentals of microprocessor technology." 3. Certificate of the Moscow National Open University INTUIT "Creation and administration of a local network".
Room number, building
Office phone
674636 (вн. 1171)